I have to test if user's input is numeric. Otherwise, I need to ask for input again. It sounds simple, right? But, check the following function
# Request number from user
def request_number():
number = input("Please, enter the card number you want to check: ")
if number.isnumeric():
return int(number)
elif number.isalpha() or number.isalnum() or number.isdecimal():
It Works fine if the first input from the user is actually a number 4111111111111111
But, if the user inputs first a string, such as asbsdl
. The function correctly asks a second time for a number, but even when you enter a number, it returns None
Can anybody shed some light? Thanks.
so the reason is because you aren't returning your recursive call. To fix this, change the recursion call (last line) to return request_number()