Search code examples

Import from Excel with panda but missing the index header

I would like to use this data from xlsx :

               Fe    Mg    Al     Si     P     S     K     Ca     Ti
          5   0.80  2.09  3.49   7.05  0.19  0.07  0.13  84.28   1.90
          5   0.75  2.69  3.91  12.42  0.13  0.09  0.18  78.18   1.64
          3   0.87  2.66  3.71   7.64  0.17  0.05  0.12  82.97   1.81

But when I imported :

file = 'test.xlsx'
xl = pd.ExcelFile(file)
df1 = xl.parse('Sheet1')

and than try to give a name to the 0. column but instead I can only renaming the Fe to Fabric:

new_columns = df1.columns.values;
new_columns[0] = 'Fabric';
df1.columns = new_columns

This is what I get:

            Fabric    Mg    Al     Si     P     S     K     Ca     Ti
          5   0.80  2.09  3.49   7.05  0.19  0.07  0.13  84.28   1.90
          5   0.75  2.69  3.91  12.42  0.13  0.09  0.18  78.18   1.64
          3   0.87  2.66  3.71   7.64  0.17  0.05  0.12  82.97   1.81

Instead of this [ :) ] :

     Fabric Fe    Mg    Al     Si     P     S     K     Ca     Ti
        5   0.80  2.09  3.49   7.05  0.19  0.07  0.13  84.28   1.90
        5   0.75  2.69  3.91  12.42  0.13  0.09  0.18  78.18   1.64
        3   0.87  2.66  3.71   7.64  0.17  0.05  0.12  82.97   1.81

I think I missing some basic stuff in here, but when I try to search for this I had no luck, so please If you have an idea for this , help :) . Thank you !


  • Fabric looks like the index to your dataframe. You are probably best of resetting it and then renaming your columns.

    df1 = df1.reset_index()
    df1.columns =['Fabric'] + df1.columns[1:].tolist()