I have a query that runs great as is like this
WHERE (customer IN (@cust))
and @cust is a customer or a multiple list of customers
what I want to add is an AND
with more in another optional parameter like
No: @expiring = " "
Yes: @expiring = " AND getDate() >= dateAdd(d,[expiryWarning],[expiryDate]) "
then I want to add that to the end of the WHERE
and have it do that second part if it's chosen from the dropdown as Yes or No so I can show the whole list of customers or just the ones expiring in the report.
WHERE (customer IN (@cust)) @expiring
but I am seeing an error when I try to run this report
that there's an error near @expiring
any insight? I've been searching all day, is this even possible?
You need to change your where clause to take @expiring
into account like this.
WHERE customer in (@cust)
AND (@expiring='No' OR getDate() >= dateAdd(d,[expiryWarning],[expiryDate]))
So if @expring is 'No' then that part of the WHERE clause always returns true. If expiring = 'Yes' then the date criteria must be true else that part will return false.