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Guzzle 6 Large file uploads / Chunking

I've read that if Guzzle cannot determine Content-Length, it will send Transfer-Encoding: Chunked headers and cURL on the back-end will handling the chunking. But I'm obviously hitting post_max_size limit. ("POST Content-Length of 524288375 bytes exceeds the limit of 8388608 bytes) when POSTing to a working uploadChunkerController. I know the upload handler (endpoint) works with smaller files. I feel I have something configured wrong with my Guzzle options. I have to set verify to false and I need to post an api_key with the request.

    $client = new Client();
    $fh     = fopen('../storage/random-500M.pdf', 'r');
    $url    = 'https://local:8443/app_dev.php/_uploader/bigupload/upload';

    $request = $client->request(
            'verify'    => false,
            'multipart' => [
                    'name' => 'api_key',
                    'contents' => 'abc123'
                    'name'     => 'file',
                    'contents' => $fh,
                    'filename' => 'bigupload.pdf'

Editing php.ini settings is not an option nor the solution. I've found a lot of 'solutions' that appear to be for older versions of Guzzle. Am I thinking too hard about this? Is there a simpler solution?


  • After digging through Guzzle and cURL source code, there's no 'automatic' way for them to send 'chunks'. Headers aren't set and there's no way for them to slice up the file being sent. I've come up with my own solution using Guzzle vs raw PHP cURL calls.

     * @Route("/chunks", name="chunks")
    public function sendFileAction()
        $jar       = new \GuzzleHttp\Cookie\SessionCookieJar('SESSION_STORAGE', true);
        $handler   = new CurlHandler();
        $stack     = HandlerStack::create($handler);
        $client    = new Client(['cookies'=>true, 'handler' => $stack]);
        $filename  = 'files/huge-1gig-file.jpg';
        $filesize  = filesize($filename);
        $fh        = fopen($filename, 'r');
        $chunkSize = 1024 * 2000;
        $boundary  = '----iCEBrkUploaderBoundary' . uniqid();
        $url       = 'https://localhost/app_dev.php/_uploader/bigupload/upload';
        rewind($fh); // probably not necessary
        while (! feof($fh)) {
            $pos   = ftell($fh);
            $chunk = fread($fh, $chunkSize);
            $calc  = $pos + strlen($chunk)-1;
            // Not sure if this is needed.
            //if (ftell($fh) > $chunkSize) {
            //    $pos++;
            $request = $client->request(
                    'cookies' => $jar,
                    'debug'   => false,
                    'verify'  => false,
                    'headers' => [
                        'Transfer-Encoding'   => 'chunked',
                        'Accept-Encoding'     => 'gzip, deflate, br',
                        'Accept'              => 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01',
                        'Connection'          => 'keep-alive',
                        'Content-disposition' => 'attachment; filename="' . basename($filename) . '"',
                        'Content-length'      => $calc - $pos,
                        'Content-Range'       => 'bytes ' . $pos . '-' . $calc . '/' . $filesize
                    'multipart' => [
                            'name'     => 'api_key,
                            'contents' => 'aaabbbcc-deff-ffed-dddd-1234567890123'
                            'name'     => 'file',
                            'contents' => $chunk,
                            'filename' => basename($filename),
                            'headers' => [
                                'Content-Type' => 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' . $boundary
        return new Response('ok', 200);

    I hope this helps someone else out. Comments/Suggestions welcome.