This is an indicator I downloaded from the internet but I have made some modifications. I noticed the indicator calculates the linear regression line and the upper and lower bands on EVERY tick.
I find that to be resource wasteful as I only need the line to be calculated at the close of each bar; i.e. when bar 0 ends and a new bar 0 is formed.
It should not calculate anything while bar 0 is still incomplete.
How I do make the necessary changes?
//| Linear Regression Line.mq4 |
//| MQL Service |
//| |
#property copyright "MQL Service"
#property link ""
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 3
#property indicator_color1 White
#property indicator_width1 2
#property indicator_color2 Orange
#property indicator_width2 2
#property indicator_color3 Orange
#property indicator_width3 2
//---- input parameters
extern int LRLPeriod = 20;
extern int Number_SD = 2;
//---- buffers
double LRLBuffer[], LRLBuffer_Upper[], LRLBuffer_Lower[];
//int shift = 0;
int n = 0;
double sumx = 0;
double sumy = 0;
double sumxy = 0;
double sumx2 = 0;
double sumy2 = 0;
double yint = 0;
double r = 0;
double m = 0;
int init()
//---- indicators
SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_LINE);
SetIndexBuffer(0, LRLBuffer);
SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_LINE);
SetIndexBuffer(1, LRLBuffer_Upper);
SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_LINE);
SetIndexBuffer(2, LRLBuffer_Lower);
if (LRLPeriod < 2)
LRLPeriod = 2;
IndicatorShortName("Linear Regression Line ("+LRLPeriod+")");
SetIndexDrawBegin(0, LRLPeriod+2);
IndicatorDigits(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS)+4);
int deinit()
int start()
int limit, j, Counted_bars;
int counted_bars = IndicatorCounted();
if (counted_bars < 0)
counted_bars = 0;
if (counted_bars > 0)
limit = Bars - counted_bars;
for (int shift=limit-1; shift >= 0; shift--)
sumx = 0;
sumy = 0;
sumxy = 0;
sumx2 = 0;
sumy2 = 0;
for (n = 0; n <= LRLPeriod-1; n++)
sumx = sumx + n;
sumy = sumy + Close[shift + n];
sumxy = sumxy + n * Close[shift + n];
sumx2 = sumx2 + n * n;
sumy2 = sumy2 + Close[shift + n] * Close[shift + n];
double temp = LRLPeriod * sumx2 - sumx * sumx;
if (temp == 0)
temp = .0000001;
// m = (LRLPeriod * sumxy - sumx * sumy) / (LRLPeriod * sumx2 - sumx * sumx);
m = (LRLPeriod * sumxy - sumx * sumy) / temp;
temp = LRLPeriod;
if (temp == 0)
temp = .0000001;
yint = (sumy + m * sumx) / temp; // was LRLPeriod (obviously)
temp = MathSqrt((LRLPeriod * sumx2 - sumx * sumx) * (LRLPeriod * sumy2 - sumy * sumy));
if (temp == 0)
temp = .0000001;
r = (LRLPeriod * sumxy - sumx * sumy) / temp;
LRLBuffer[shift] = yint - m * LRLPeriod;
//Print (" "+shift+" "+LRLBuffer[shift]);
//----------Added Upper and Lower Bands--------------//
int nBARs = 0;
double LRLBuffer_CPY[];
j = Bars - Counted_bars - 1;
while( j > 0 )
ArrayCopy( LRLBuffer_CPY, LRLBuffer, 0, j, WHOLE_ARRAY );
double StDev = iStdDevOnArray( LRLBuffer_CPY, nBARs, LRLPeriod, 0, MODE_SMA, 0 );
LRLBuffer_Upper[j] = LRLBuffer[j] + (Number_SD * StDev);
LRLBuffer_Lower[j] = LRLBuffer[j] - (Number_SD * StDev);
The easiest way is to use standard OnCalculate(***)
function and run the main cycle only if(rates_total>prev_calculated)
Also, in the main cycle try to have for(int shift=limit-1;shift>0;shift--){
(be attentive), and by the way, are you sure that you need shift=limit-1
not just shift=limit