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How to run metabase on ec2 instance (without elastic beanstalk)

i am newbie in Metabase, also i don't have much knowledge about AWS. i have EC2 instance and i want to run Metabase on EC2 instance without elastic beanstalk. is this possible? if yes than how? and if no than why?


  • The simplest way of running metabase in a EC2 instance is following their own docs on how to run the application from the .jar file. Metabase has an awesome documentation so I recommend you take a look at it.

    In simple steps you need to :

    1. Install Java 7
    2. Download Metabase .jar file
    3. Run .jar file java -jar metabase.jar

    The application will be running on port 3000 (http://:3000). Remember to open inbound rules on the EC2 security group. Important to say this setup is recommended only for testing. If you want to have an instance in production you should worry about other things such as pointing the application database to a more robust database like PostgreSQL or MySQL.

    Link to official docs: