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What is the difference in dcm4chee arc light and DCM4CHE?

I want to about the differences of dcm4Chee arc-light and DCM4CHE. I got a download of DCM4CHE from here and DCM4CHEE Arc Light from here, but I don't know which one is better to use and what are the main differences.

I am new to PACS server and DCM4CHE, so please give me some example of blog from where I can find more material/data to understand differences.


  • DCM4CHE is a DICOM toolkit. Use it for some command-line tools or to write your own Java, DICOM applications.

    DCM4CHEE is a PACS archive. It is used, primarily, to store images. I suspect this is the one you want if you're looking for a PACS. See their wiki page for more information (