I have script which is SQLPLUS form. I ask user to enter values for substitution variables to execute insert statement.
some substitution variables are used for mandatory columns, so
how can I ask the user to fill again if substitution variable value is null?
how to assign a value to the same substitution variable depending on it's value itself by forcing user to enter it?
or how to force user to enter value for substitution variable ?
something like
psedu code:
accept x prompt please enter value for x
while (&x is null) loop
accept x prompt please enter value for x
end loop
insert into ...
is it possible
This is crazy but... based on this answer I gave to another question you can create a script called main.sql something like this:
accept x prompt please enter value for x
accept y prompt please enter value for y
accept z prompt please enter value for z
set term off verify off
column script new_value v_script
select case when '&&x.' is null or '&&y.' is null or '&&z.' is null
then 'main'
else 'do_insert'
end script
from dual;
set term on verify on
Then create another script called do_insert.sql like this:
insert into mytable (a, b, c) values ('&&x.', '&&y.', '&&z.');
The main.sql script will keep re-running itself until all of X, Y and Z are not null - making the user re-enter all of them each time. Once all are not null, it will run do_insert.sql which uses the values.
Note that each time main.sql is re-run it is a nested call; SQL Developer (for example) fails with an error eventually if the user keeps omitting values:
SP2-0309: SQLcl command procedures may only be nested to a depth of 20.
But really, if you want a decent user interface, SQL Plus scripts are not the way to build one.