My current routing tables is like below:
routing_table = [
("/api/ping", PingHandler),
("/css/(.*)", StaticFileHandler, {
"path": "my-website-path/css"
("/js/(.*)", StaticFileHandler, {
"path": "my-website-path/js"
("/fonts/(.*)", StaticFileHandler, {
"path": "my-website-path/fonts"
I would like to use only one regex to handle my static files. Something like below ?
routing_table = [
("/api/ping", PingHandler),
("/(css|js|fonts)/(.*)", StaticFileHandler, {
"path": "my-website-path/$1"
How can I do that? Thank you in advance.
A RequestHandler
pass all matches as a positional arguments to the http-verb function. Since the StaticFileHandler
extends it and you have 2 captured groups, your code won't work as expected. So the regex needs to be changed, step by step:
: ((?:jss|css|fonts)/.*
The code
routing_table = [
("/api/ping", PingHandler),
("/((?:css|js|fonts)/.*)", StaticFileHandler, {
"path": "my-website-path"
Keep in mind, that the StaitcFileHandler
(as @cricket_007 mentioned)...
This handler is intended primarily for use in development and light-duty file serving; for heavy traffic it will be more efficient to use a dedicated static file server (such as nginx or Apache). We support the HTTP Accept-Ranges mechanism to return partial content (because some browsers require this functionality to be present to seek in HTML5 audio or video).