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Active Directory Password Connection Azure SQL Failure from Azure Automation

I need to connect via Azure Automation to an Azure SQL Server using my Azure Active Directory Admin account that is set as the Azure SQL Server AZ AD Admin.

I am able to connect to Azure SQL:

  1. Using SSMS with the Azure AD Admin Account
  2. Using the PowerShell ISE with the Azure AD Admin Account in a SQL ConnectionString
  3. Using Azure Automation with the Azure SQL Admin account (the one created when a new Azure SQL Server is created) in a SQL ConnectionString

However, when attempting to connect to Azure SQL in Azure Automation using the Active Directory Admin account in Azure Automation in a SQL ConnectionString, I get the following error:

New-Object : Exception calling ".ctor" with "1" argument(s): "Keyword not supported: 'authentication'."

Here is my connection attempt:

$server = ",1433"
$database = "TestDB"
$adminName = ""
$adminPassword = "test1234"

$connectionString = "Server=$server;Database=$database;User ID=$adminName;Password=$adminPassword;authentication=Active Directory Password;"
$connection = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection($connectionString)

Any ideas on why I can connect via PowerShell ISE and SSMS but not Azure Automation with the Azure Active Directory Admin? I can also connect via Azure Automation and the Azure SQL Admin account (the default admin account you create with Azure SQL).

The only way I can't connect is when using the Azure Active Directory Admin tied to Azure SQL when using Azure Automation.


  • Using Azure AD to connect to SQL is not yet supported with Azure Automation Account.This feature requires .NET Framework 4.6 and currently Azure Automation workers only had .NET Framework 4.5.
