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Atlassian JSD plugin development (dependencies and plugins cannot be found)

I'm new to the Atlassian development and I've went over the guides/tutorials for plugin development and everything worked fine (I'm using Ubuntu with IntelliJ as IDE). Also read the "Jira 7 Development Cookbook - Third Edition". When I tried to switch to JSD development the dependencies and plugins didn't work. I get errors like this:

Dependency : 'com.atlassian.jira.plugins:project-templates-api:2.18' not found


Plugin : 'com.atlassian.plugin:atlassian-spring-scanner-maven-plugin:2.0.1' not found

I'm following guides from the official site under that part of the development guides. I've looked over documentation of API plugins and classes and tried changing the version and/or name of the plugins, but I always get that same error. Have I overlooked something important or is this something that happens often and has a solution?


Don't use

 atlas-mvn idea:idea 

as drelliot said. You have to add dependencies and plugins manually on pom.xml and do

 atlas-mvn install 

I still have bugs, but most were solved by this.


  • Don't use

    atlas-mvn idea:idea 

    as drelliot said. You have to add dependencies and plugins manually on pom.xml and do

    atlas-mvn install 

    After that just import the project into IDE of your choice. I still have bugs with packages and version since the official tutorials are outdated and don't help a lot, but most were solved by this.