General information
I have tested my app using the Pay With Card option with the test credit card number 5555555555554444 with CCV 123 & Expiry date: 12/20 from PayPal Test Credit Card Number By Google Search.
It shows Payment Failed: System error. Please try again later. sometimes: Paypal Error Screenshot
But, when I checked the PayPal Business test account in the PayPal sandbox dashboard, the transaction is charged and is shown as completed like this: Paypal Sandbox Dashboard
Sometimes it works normally, sometimes it doesn't and show me this error, what is the cause of this problem? Is there a fix or a quick hack to bypass it?
The reason I am getting error is because I was using the credit card number from this table. These credit card numbers are overused and PayPal team did not provide us with a better error response.
It was a known issue in PayPal-Cordova-Plugin GitHub repository. The solution is to generate the credit card number from this generator.