The below doesn't seem to work, but I'm not quite sure why. All move-board does is take in a 2D array and return a 2D array, rest of the code is all there. Basically I'm trying to accomplish something like the following python:
While True:
do stuff
if gameover:
print("Game Over!")
Clojure that isn't working (prints board once, asks for input, then hangs)
(defn game-loop [board]
(loop [b board]
(if (game-over? b) "Game Over!"
(do (print-board b)
(recur (move-board (read-line) b))))))
We would need to see what your other functions are doing. I
fabricated them minimally to what seems likely, and reindented to make
the if-branch clearer. Your loop
also was unnecessary.
(defn game-over? [b] false)
(defn print-board [b] (println b))
(defn move-board [ln b] (println "moving board:" ln))
(defn game-loop [b]
(if (game-over? b)
"Game Over!"
(do (print-board b)
(recur (move-board (read-line) b)))))
(game-loop :bored)
With those top three functions, your loop behaves as expected: prompting for a single line, infinitely. Well, at least the first time, but then your "hang" issue is reproduced.
This is likely being caused by this issue with the JVM. Also discussed here.