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How can I JSON serialize an object from google's natural language API? (No __dict__ attribute)

I'm using the Google Natural Language API for a project tagging text with sentiment analysis. I want to store my NL results as JSON. If a direct HTTP request is made to Google then a JSON response is returned.

However when using the provided Python libraries an object is returned instead, and that object is not directly JSON serializable.

Here is a sample of my code:

import os
import sys
import oauth2client.client
from import enums, language_service_client
from import language_service_pb2

class LanguageReader:
    # class that parses, stores and reports language data from text

    def __init__(self, content=None):

            # attempts to autheticate credentials from env variable
        except oauth2client.client.ApplicationDefaultCredentialsError:
            print("=== ERROR: Google credentials could not be authenticated! ===")
            print("Current enviroment variable for this process is: {}".format(os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS']))
            print("to set the authentication credentials manually")

        self.language_client = language_service_client.LanguageServiceClient()
        self.document = language_service_pb2.Document()
        self.document.type = enums.Document.Type.PLAIN_TEXT
        self.encoding = enums.EncodingType.UTF32

        self.results = None

        if content is not None:

    def read_content(self, content):
        self.document.content = content
        self.language_client.analyze_sentiment(self.document, self.encoding)
        self.results = self.language_client.analyze_sentiment(self.document, self.encoding)

Now if you were to run:

sample_text="I love R&B music. Marvin Gaye is the best. 'What's Going On' is one of my favorite songs. It was so sad when Marvin Gaye died."
resp = LanguageReader(sample_text).results
print resp

You would get:

document_sentiment {
  magnitude: 2.40000009537
  score: 0.40000000596
language: "en"
sentences {
  text {
    content: "I love R&B music."
  sentiment {
    magnitude: 0.800000011921
    score: 0.800000011921
sentences {
  text {
    content: "Marvin Gaye is the best."
    begin_offset: 18
  sentiment {
    magnitude: 0.800000011921
    score: 0.800000011921
sentences {
  text {
    content: "\'What\'s Going On\' is one of my favorite songs."
    begin_offset: 43
  sentiment {
    magnitude: 0.40000000596
    score: 0.40000000596
sentences {
  text {
    content: "It was so sad when Marvin Gaye died."
    begin_offset: 90
  sentiment {
    magnitude: 0.20000000298
    score: -0.20000000298

Which is not JSON. It's an instance of the object. And it has no __dict__ attribute attribute so it is not serializable by using json.dumps().

How can I either specify that the response should be in JSON or serialize the object to JSON?


  • Edit: @Zach noted Google's protobuf Data Interchange Format. It seems the preferred option would be to use these protobuf.json_format methods:

    from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToDict, MessageToJson 
    self.dict = MessageToDict(self.results)
    self.json = MessageToJson(self.results)

    From the docstring:

    MessageToJson(message, including_default_value_fields=False, preserving_proto_field_name=False)
        Converts protobuf message to JSON format.
          message: The protocol buffers message instance to serialize.
          including_default_value_fields: If True, singular primitive fields,
              repeated fields, and map fields will always be serialized.  If
              False, only serialize non-empty fields.  Singular message fields
              and oneof fields are not affected by this option.
          preserving_proto_field_name: If True, use the original proto field
              names as defined in the .proto file. If False, convert the field
              names to lowerCamelCase.
          A string containing the JSON formatted protocol buffer message.