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Boost Spirit x3: parse into structs

From the Boost Spirit X3 tutorial:

First, let's create a struct representing an employee:

namespace client { namespace ast
   struct employee
       int age;
       std::string surname;
       std::string forename;
       double salary;

Then, we need to tell Boost.Fusion about our employee struct to make it a first-class fusion citizen that the grammar can utilize.

    (int, age)
    (std::string, surname)
    (std::string, forename)
    (double, salary)

[...] In fusion's view, a struct is just a form of a tuple. You can adapt any struct to be a fully conforming fusion tuple. [...] Applying our collapsing rules above, the RHS has an attribute of: fusion::vector<int, std::string, std::string, double> The struct employee IS compatible with fusion::vector. So, the RHS of start uses start's attribute (a struct employee) in-situ when it does its work.

If I well understood, this logic heavily relies on the order of the attributes.

Now, I am in a situation where I need to parse something like

Layer "L1" {
    number = 23
    color = green
    visible = true

into a struct

struct LayerInfo
    std::string layerName;
    int layerNumber;
    std::string color;
    bool visible;

The problem is, the order of the layer properties can change, which is in opposition with the logic seen above.

Which is the correct way to parse into a struct like this? Do I need necessarily need to use semantic actions?


  • I love @llonesmiz's approach in the comment.

    I "had to" try my favorite approach with X3 using functional composition too, though. Here's a sketch of the approach which does parse and propagate the values.

    Missing are checks on property presence/uniqueness. (I think such a thing is doable using a x3::with<> context addition that basically contains a std::set<V T::*>. Of course such a thing needs (implementation dependent?) casts or an erasure wrapper).

    For now, presented without comment:

    Live On Coliru

    #include <iostream>
    //#define BOOST_SPIRIT_X3_DEBUG
    #include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
    #include <boost/fusion/include/adapt_struct.hpp>
    #include <boost/fusion/include/io.hpp>
    struct LayerInfo
        std::string layerName;
        int layerNumber = 0;
        std::string color;
        bool visible = false;
    namespace Parser {
        namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
        // custom type parsers
        auto quoted = rule<std::string>("quoted", x3::lexeme [ '"' >> *('\\' >> x3::char_ | ~x3::char_('"')) >> '"' ]);
        struct colors_type : x3::symbols<char> {
            colors_type() {
        } static const colors;
        namespace detail {
            template <typename T> auto propagate(T member) {
                return [=](auto& ctx){ x3::traits::move_to(x3::_attr(ctx), x3::_val(ctx).*member); };
            template <typename T> auto make_member_parser(int T::* const member) { return x3::int_ [propagate(member)]; }
            template <typename T> auto make_member_parser(bool T::* const member) { return x3::bool_ [propagate(member)]; }
            template <typename T> auto make_member_parser(std::string T::* const member) { return x3::raw[colors] [propagate(member)]; }
            template <typename T = LayerInfo, typename P>
                auto rule(const char* debug, P p) { return x3::rule<struct _, T> {debug} = x3::skip(x3::space)[p]; };
            auto property = [](auto label, auto member) {
                return rule(label, x3::as_parser(label) >> '=' >> make_member_parser(member));
        using detail::rule;
        using detail::propagate;
        using detail::property;
        auto name       = rule("name", "Layer" >> quoted [propagate(&LayerInfo::layerName)]);
        auto number     = property("number", &LayerInfo::layerNumber);
        auto color      = property("color", &LayerInfo::color);
        auto visible    = property("visible", &LayerInfo::visible);
        auto layer_info = name >> '{' >> +(number | color | visible) >> '}';
        auto grammar    = rule("layer_info", layer_info);
    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, LayerInfo const& li) {
        return os << "LayerInfo \"" << li.layerName << "\"{"
            << "number="  << li.layerNumber   << " "
            << "color="   << li.color         << " "
            << "visible=" << std::boolalpha << li.visible 
            << "}\n";
    int main() {
        std::string const sample = R"(Layer "L1" {
        number = 23
        color = green
        visible = true
        LayerInfo v;
        auto f = sample.begin(), l = sample.end();
        bool ok = parse(f, l, Parser::grammar, v);
        if (ok)
            std::cout << "Parsed: " << v << "\n";
            std::cout << "Parse failed\n";
        if (f!=l)
            std::cout << "Remaining unparsed: '" << std::string(f,l) << "'\n";


    Parsed: LayerInfo "L1"{number=23 color=green visible=true}

    Wit debug info: Live On Coliru

      <try>Layer "L1" {\n    num</try>
        <try>Layer "L1" {\n    num</try>
          <try> "L1" {\n    number =</try>
          <success> {\n    number = 23\n </success>
          <attributes>[L, 1]</attributes>
        <success> {\n    number = 23\n </success>
        <attributes>LayerInfo "L1"{number=0 color= visible=false}
        <try>\n    number = 23\n   </try>
        <success>\n    color = green\n </success>
        <attributes>LayerInfo "L1"{number=23 color= visible=false}
        <try>\n    color = green\n </try>
        <try>\n    color = green\n </try>
        <success>\n    visible = true\n</success>
        <attributes>LayerInfo "L1"{number=23 color=green visible=false}
        <try>\n    visible = true\n</try>
        <try>\n    visible = true\n</try>
        <try>\n    visible = true\n</try>
        <attributes>LayerInfo "L1"{number=23 color=green visible=true}
      <attributes>LayerInfo "L1"{number=23 color=green visible=true}