I want to retrieve top most record from my CRM entity using early bound query expression.
I have written it as:
QueryExpression opportunityProductsQuery = new QueryExpression
EntityName = PCSEPortal.oph_ophthalmicclaim.EntityLogicalName,
ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("Name"),
Criteria = new FilterExpression
new ConditionExpression
return "";
But I am not sure how to write where condition and top 1 order by Desc condition here.
For where condition, I have column as Submission channel
- Logical name - oph_submissionchannel
- Schema Name - oph_SubmissionChannel
and order by Guid or any unique id.
How to write query expression here? Or is there any other better option? I am trying to avoid FetchXML for this.
You have to use PagingInfo
to achieve this.
opportunityProductsQuery.PageInfo.Count = 1;
Read more. This example shows how to use LinkEntity, LinkCriteria, Sort Order Descending & PageInfo to get result.
LinkEntity le = opportunityProductsQuery.AddLink(PCSEPortal.oph_submissionchannel.EntityLogicalName, “oph_submissionchannelid”, “2ndentityname2”);
le.Columns = new ColumnSet(“oph_submissionchannelid”);
le.LinkCriteria.AddCondition(“oph_submissionchannelid”, ConditionOperator.Equal, Guid); //where condition
opportunityProductsQuery.AddOrder(“modifiedon”, OrderType.Descending);
opportunityProductsQuery.PageInfo = new PagingInfo();
opportunityProductsQuery.PageInfo.Count = 1;
opportunityProductsQuery.PageInfo.PageNumber = 1;
EntityCollection entitycolls = service.RetrieveMultiple(equery);