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How to add whitespace and make a united looking in WebStorm?

For example, usually WebStorm will not add extra whitespace to the element, if I want to make it look nice, I have to add extra whitespace for every element I created.

I tried to google it but all I find is "deleting extra whitespace" kind of question and answers. Maybe it is because I don't know how to describe the question. And Google won't accept the image which can let me explain the question more clearly. I can't do anything. Need help with this.

Screenshot 1:

enter image description here

Screenshot 2:

enter image description here


  • You can go to Settings > Code Style > HTML (ctrl + alt + S) and check Wrap text and After tag name. However this wil add a space to all HTML, not just the self closing ones. <head> will become <head >. In empty tag will do that for you.

    enter image description here