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FPDF class extend not working

I'm having a problem with FPDF because my class extend it's not working.

I'm creating a class for my footer and then call it with:

$pdf = new PDF2();

I have the code in a external file with an include above all the code, like this:


class PDF2 extends TFPDF
    // Page footer
    function Footer()
        // MB LOGO 30cm before the end of the page
        $Y = $this->SetY(-65);
        // Arial italic 8
        //MB LOGO

//pdf begins
// Cliente info encomenda
$pdf = new tFPDF();
$pdf = new PDF();
$pdf = new PDF2();

// Arial bold 15

// Title
$pdf->Cell(190,10,'Ordem Nº '.$maxi.'',0,0,'C');

// Line break

// Add a Unicode font (uses UTF-8)

// Cliente nome/email
$pdf->Cell(150,10,'Cliente: '.$enc['nome'].' '.$enc['apelido'].' ',0,1);
$pdf->Cell(150,10,'Email: '.$enc['email'].'',0,1);
$pdf->setFillColor(232, 232, 232); 

$pdf->RoundedRect(10, 50, 190, 10, 3.5,TRUE);
$pdf->Cell(190,10,'Mensagem',0,1,'L'); //header
$pdf->setFillColor(255, 255, 255); // background
$pdf->MultiCell(180,5,'Text',0,'J',0); // MENSAGEM

$html ='';
$html='<table border="0">
        <td width="230" height="40" bgcolor="#e6e6e6">Tipo</td>
        <td width="88" height="40" bgcolor="#e6e6e6">Formato</td>
        <td width="88" height="40" bgcolor="#e6e6e6">Nº Interno</td>
        <td width="88" height="40" bgcolor="#e6e6e6">Revelar</td>
        <td width="88" height="40" bgcolor="#e6e6e6">Digitalizar</td>
        <td width="88" height="40" bgcolor="#e6e6e6">Edição</td>
        <td width="88" height="40" bgcolor="#e6e6e6">Impressão</td>

while($pdf_info2 = $smth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
    $html .= '
            <td width="230" height="40" bgcolor="#f7f7f7">'.$pdf_info2['Tipo'].'</td>
            <td width="88" height="40" bgcolor="#f7f7f7">'.$pdf_info2['Formato'].'</td>
            <td width="88" height="40" bgcolor="#f7f7f7">&nbsp;</td>
            <td width="88" height="40" bgcolor="#f7f7f7">'.$pdf_info2['Revelar'].'</td>
            <td width="88" height="40" bgcolor="#f7f7f7">'.$pdf_info2['Digitalizar'].'</td>
            <td width="88" height="40" bgcolor="#f7f7f7">'.$pdf_info2['Edicao'].'</td>
            <td width="88" height="40" bgcolor="#f7f7f7">'.$pdf_info2['Impressao'].'</td>



Any errors of the class are not displayed, at least I don't see them even without the error_reporting(0) commented.


  • You must not declare the object $pdf more than once, you must call the file tfpdf.php, there is built the class tFPDF().


    // Optionally define the filesystem path to your system fonts
    // otherwise tFPDF will use [path to tFPDF]/font/unifont/ directory
    // define("_SYSTEM_TTFONTS", "C:/Windows/Fonts/");
    $pdf = new tFPDF();
    // Add a Unicode font (uses UTF-8)
    // Load a UTF-8 string from a file and print it
    $txt = file_get_contents('HelloWorld.txt');
    // Select a standard font (uses windows-1252)
    $pdf->Write(5,'The file size of this PDF is only 12 KB.');

    Download the class tFPDF() in