here is my deal today. Well, I have created a relation as result of a couple of transformations after have read the relation from hive. the thing is that I want to store the final relation after a couple of analysis back in Hive but I can't. Let see that in my code much clear.
The first String is when I LOAD from Hive and transform my result:
july = LOAD 'POC.july' USING org.apache.hive.hcatalog.pig.HCatLoader ;
july_cl = FOREACH july GENERATE GetDay(ToDate(start_date)) as day:int,start_station,duration; jul_cl_fl = FILTER july_cl BY day==31;
july_gr = GROUP jul_cl_fl BY (day,start_station);
july_result = FOREACH july_gr {
total_dura = SUM(jul_cl_fl.duration);
avg_dura = AVG(jul_cl_fl.duration);
qty_trips = COUNT(jul_cl_fl);
GENERATE FLATTEN(group),total_dura,avg_dura,qty_trips;
So, now when I try to store the relation july_result I can't because the schema has changed and I suppose that it's not compatible with Hive:
STORE july_result INTO 'poc.july_analysis' USING org.apache.hive.hcatalog.pig.HCatStorer ();
Even if I have tried to set a special scheme for the final relation I haven't figured it out.
july_result = FOREACH july_gr {
total_dura = SUM(jul_cl_fl.duration);
avg_dura = AVG(jul_cl_fl.duration);
qty_trips = COUNT(jul_cl_fl);
GENERATE FLATTEN(group) as (day:int),total_dura as (total_dura:int),avg_dura as (avg_dura:int),qty_trips as (qty_trips:int);
After a research in hortonworks community, I got the solution about how to define an output format for a group relation in pig. My new code looks like:
july_result = FOREACH july_gr {
total_dura = SUM(jul_cl_fl.duration);
avg_dura = AVG(jul_cl_fl.duration);
qty_trips = COUNT(jul_cl_fl);
GENERATE FLATTEN( group) AS (day, code_station),(int)total_dura as (total_dura:int),(float)avg_dura as (avg_dura:float),(int)qty_trips as (qty_trips:int);
Thanks guys.