I have created some control buttons to handle server side pagination. It has 4 buttons (First Page, Previous Page, Next Page and Last Page), a page counter which is an input text field and a drop-down to select a number of rows you want to see.
The page counter is defined as vm.currentPage in the controller, which can be manipulated by the buttons or typing a new value in the input, and the drop-down as vm.rowsPerPage. For both these elements I have declared a ng-change with a function inside that eventually has to get the data, called vm.setPagingData();
My problem here is that this function is not getting fired when I use one of the control buttons, even though vm.currentPage inside the input text is changing.
There is no problem when I directly change the value in the input or when I use the dropdown to select a number of rows I want to see.
Below I have a sample code with the function setPagingData() incrementing a value by 1 every time it been called. Plnkr link: http://plnkr.co/edit/qHrTC9gkntSw9IfgeJ5T?p=preview
<!--Back Buttons-->
<button ng-disabled="ctrl.currentPage <= 1" ng-click="ctrl.currentPage = 1;"> << </button>
<button ng-disabled="ctrl.currentPage <= 1" ng-click="ctrl.currentPage = ctrl.currentPage - 1"> < </button>
<!--Current page count-->
<span><input type="text" ng-model="ctrl.currentPage" ng-change="ctrl.setPagingData()" /> of {{ctrl.totalPages}}</span>
<!--Next buttons-->
<button ng-disabled="ctrl.currentPage >= ctrl.totalPages" ng-click="ctrl.currentPage = ctrl.currentPage + 1;"> > </button>
<button ng-disabled="ctrl.currentPage >= ctrl.totalPages" ng-click="ctrl.currentPage = ctrl.totalPages;"> >> </button>
<select ng-model="ctrl.rowsPerPage" ng-change="ctrl.setPagingData()">
<option value="10" ng-selected="ctrl.rowsPerPage === '10'">10 rows</option>
<option value="20" ng-selected="ctrl.rowsPerPage === '20'">20 rows</option>
<option value="40" ng-selected="ctrl.rowsPerPage === '40'">40 rows</option>
<option value="60" ng-selected="ctrl.rowsPerPage === '60'">60 rows</option>
vm.currentPage = 1;
vm.totalPages = 16;
vm.rowsPerPage = "20";
vm.test = 0;
vm.setPagingData = function(){
Should I define the logic of the buttons inside controller instead of inside the ng-change or something? Or is there a way to keep it in the HTML?
As described in the documentation, ng-change
is triggered when the user changes the value of the input field manually.
Available solutions:
Call ctrl.setPagingData()
inside the ng-click
of your buttons
<button ng-click="ctrl.currentPage = ctrl.currentPage + 1; ctrl.setPagingData();" ng-disabled="ctrl.currentPage >= ctrl.totalPages"> > </button>
<button ng-click="ctrl.currentPage = ctrl.totalPages; ctrl.setPagingData();" ng-disabled="ctrl.currentPage >= ctrl.totalPages"> >> </button>
Watch for changes to the variable vm.rowsPerPage
$scope.$watch(function() {
return vm.rowsPerPage;
}, function() {