I feel a bit miffed at the moment, I done a few iPhone projects that use floats and ints etc and all is fine.
I now using OpenGL and GLFloat[] C arrays etc and it seems unless I make methods to set / get them it crashes on the device (not the simulator). Now as these are not setup as properties (I don't think c arrays can) it kind of makes sense. However the project has been working for months without them. It seems something in the code is wiping out anything float / ints to the point that the debugger can see an assigned value but accessing it crashes the phone.
As soon as I think I know something for this platform, something changes my mind lol.
The question is.
How do you properly declare and use float arrays (float[3]) and ints (I usually do these as properties) so that you can set and get them. Should you need to make your own methods to get and set them?
Properties work the same way with primatives as Objects, except they get assign
ed instead of retain
@property (nonatomic, assign) int someInt;
Sorry, got a little hasty there. C arrays are not supported with properties. You will have to roll your own getter/setter for C arrays. If you still want to have a property, you can use an NSArray of GLfloat