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How to stop a Flink job using REST API

I am trying to deploy a job to Flink from Jenkins. Thus far I have figured out how to submit the jar file that is created in the build job. Now I want to find any Flink jobs running with the old jar, stop them gracefully, and start a new job utilizing my new jar.

The API has methods to list the jobs, cancel jobs, and submit jobs. However, there does not seem to be a stop job endpoint. Any ideas on how to gracefully stop a job using API?


  • Even though the stop endpoint is not documented, it does exist and behaves similarly to the cancel one.

    Basically, this is the bit missing in the Flink REST API documentation:

    Stop Job

    DELETE request to /jobs/:jobid/stop.

    Stops a job, result on success is {}.


    For those who are not aware of the difference between cancelling and stopping (copied from here):

    The difference between cancelling and stopping a (streaming) job is the following:

    On a cancel call, the operators in a job immediately receive a cancel() method call to cancel them as soon as possible. If operators are not not stopping after the cancel call, Flink will start interrupting the thread periodically until it stops.

    A “stop” call is a more graceful way of stopping a running streaming job. Stop is only available for jobs which use sources that implement the StoppableFunction interface. When the user requests to stop a job, all sources will receive a stop() method call. The job will keep running until all sources properly shut down. This allows the job to finish processing all inflight data.