I am a beginner programmer and I've created a guessing game but I want to incorporate a string that will print when the user presses the enter key and I've tried this but it does not work. (Returns the error, "ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10") when the user presses enter.
The program works fine if the user does not press enter and only inputs integers.
highest = 12
lowest = 6
answer = 9
input("Press enter to play a guessing game")
guess = input("Guess a number from %d " %lowest + "to %d: " %highest)
while (int(guess) != answer) or guess == ():
if int(guess) > answer:
print ("Answer is lower")
elif guess == ():
print ("That's not valid")
print("Answer is higher")
guess = input("Guess again ")
print ("Correct!!")
import random
a = int
b = int
c= int
def guessing():
guess = int(input("guess an no between 1 to 10: "))
c = random.randrange(1,11)
print("answer is",c)
if (guess == c):
print("correct guess")
d=input("\n\n Y TO START \n n to exit\n")
if (d == "y" or d == "Y"):
elif(d =="n" or d == "N"):