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Throttling with urllib2

is it possible to easily cap the kbps when using urllib2? If it is, any code examples or resources you could direct me to would be greatly appreciated.


  • There is the urlretrieve(url, filename=None, reporthook=None, data=None) function in the urllib module. If you implement the reporthook-function/object as either a token bucket, or a leaky bucket, you have your global rate-limit.

    EDIT: Upon closer examination I see that it isn't as easy to do global rate-limit with reporthook as I thought. reporthook is only given the downloaded amount and the total size, which on their own isn't enough to information to use with the token-bucket. One way to get around it is by storing the last downloaded amount in each rate-limiter, but use a global token-bucket.

    EDIT 2: Combined both codes into one example.

    """Rate limiters with shared token bucket."""
    import os
    import sys
    import threading
    import time
    import urllib
    import urlparse
    class TokenBucket(object):
        """An implementation of the token bucket algorithm.
        >>> bucket = TokenBucket(80, 0.5)
        >>> print bucket.consume(10)
        >>> print bucket.consume(90)
        def __init__(self, tokens, fill_rate):
            """tokens is the total tokens in the bucket. fill_rate is the
            rate in tokens/second that the bucket will be refilled."""
            self.capacity = float(tokens)
            self._tokens = float(tokens)
            self.fill_rate = float(fill_rate)
            self.timestamp = time.time()
            self.lock = threading.RLock()
        def consume(self, tokens):
            """Consume tokens from the bucket. Returns 0 if there were
            sufficient tokens, otherwise the expected time until enough
            tokens become available."""
            tokens = max(tokens,self.tokens)
            expected_time = (tokens - self.tokens) / self.fill_rate
            if expected_time <= 0:
                self._tokens -= tokens
            return max(0,expected_time)
        def tokens(self):
            if self._tokens < self.capacity:
                now = time.time()
                delta = self.fill_rate * (now - self.timestamp)
                self._tokens = min(self.capacity, self._tokens + delta)
                self.timestamp = now
            value = self._tokens
            return value
    class RateLimit(object):
        """Rate limit a url fetch.
        (but mostly rewritten)
        def __init__(self, bucket, filename):
            self.bucket = bucket
            self.last_update = 0
            self.last_downloaded_kb = 0
            self.filename = filename
            self.avg_rate = None
        def __call__(self, block_count, block_size, total_size):
            total_kb = total_size / 1024.
            downloaded_kb = (block_count * block_size) / 1024.
            just_downloaded = downloaded_kb - self.last_downloaded_kb
            self.last_downloaded_kb = downloaded_kb
            predicted_size = block_size/1024.
            wait_time = self.bucket.consume(predicted_size)
            while wait_time > 0:
                wait_time = self.bucket.consume(predicted_size)
            now = time.time()
            delta = now - self.last_update
            if self.last_update != 0:
                if delta > 0:
                    rate = just_downloaded / delta
                    if self.avg_rate is not None:
                        rate = 0.9 * self.avg_rate + 0.1 * rate
                    self.avg_rate = rate
                    rate = self.avg_rate or 0.
                print "%20s: %4.1f%%, %5.1f KiB/s, %.1f/%.1f KiB" % (
                        self.filename, 100. * downloaded_kb / total_kb,
                        rate, downloaded_kb, total_kb,
            self.last_update = now
    def main():
        """Fetch the contents of urls"""
        if len(sys.argv) < 4:
            print 'Syntax: %s rate url1 url2 ...' % sys.argv[0]
            raise SystemExit(1)
        rate_limit  = float(sys.argv[1])
        urls = sys.argv[2:]
        bucket = TokenBucket(10*rate_limit, rate_limit)
        print "rate limit = %.1f" % (rate_limit,)
        threads = []
        for url in urls:
            path = urlparse.urlparse(url,'http')[2]
            filename = os.path.basename(path)
            print 'Downloading "%s" to "%s"...' % (url,filename)
            rate_limiter = RateLimit(bucket, filename)
            t = threading.Thread(
                args=(url, filename, rate_limiter))
        for t in threads:
        print 'All downloads finished'
    if __name__ == "__main__":