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Get the billing state code to display the name in WooCommerce

I am trying desperately to understand, how WooCommerce translates certain countries county/state names into database field constants and back.


I have a customer from Greece, who happens to be from a county/state, that I haven't got letters on this keyboard to name.

enter image description here

Apparently even WooCommerce doesn't have letters for it, for in the database, the county/state is also saved as just "D".

What function can I use to revert it to it's frontend form of

enter image description here

Edit 1.

I found something like this, but im unsure how to use it.

enter image description here


  • There are 2 ways to get that:

    1). Directly using WC()->countries object (when available):

    $wc_countries = WC()->countries;

    2). Using an instance of WC_Countries object:

    $wc_countries = new WC_Countries();

    Then you can use any available WC_Countries method.

    Get all shipping countries codes / names in an array and get all Country states codes / names in a multilevel array:

    // Get all countries key/names in an array:
    $countries = WC()->countries->get_countries();
    // Get all country states key/names in a multilevel array:
    $country_states = WC()->countries->get_states();


    $wc_countries = new WC_Countries();
    // Get all countries key/names in an array:
    $countries = $wc_countries->get_countries();
    // Get all country states key/names in a multilevel array:
    $country_states = $wc_countries->get_states();

    So for example if the country code is GR and the state code is D:

    $wc_countries   = new WC_Countries();
    $countries      = $countries_obj->get_countries();
    $country_states = $countries_obj->get_states();
    // Get the country name for "GR" country code *(Greece)*:
    $country_name = $countries['GR'];
    // Get the state name for "D" state code *(Epirus)*:
    $state_name = $country_states['GR']['D'];
    // Display names:
    echo 'Country name: '.$country_name.'<br>State name: '.$state_name;

    This will display:

    Country name: Greece
    State name: Ήπειρος

    To display all states for a country, use something like:

    $wc_countries   = new WC_Countries();
    $countries      = $wc_countries->get_countries();
    $country_states = $wc_countries->get_states();
    $country_code = 'ES'; // The country code to target 
    printf('<p>%s <strong>%s</strong></p><ul>', __('States for '), $countries[$country_code]);
    // Loop through the states array for 'GE' country
    foreach( $country_states[$country_code] as $state_code => $state_name ) {
        printf('<li class="state %s">%s</li>', $state_code, $state_name);
    echo '</ul>';