I'm a little confused on how I can properly scroll into images, when I'm using multiple UIScrollViews
I have
func viewForZooming(in scrollView: UIScrollView) -> UIView?
return self.image1
So this works great for the first image, and I thought perhaps I could check to see which scrollview was focused, then return the corresponding image like
if pinchZoomScroll1.isFocused {
return self.image1
else { return self.image2}
but this of course, is not properly zooming the correct image
I'm thinking it has to do with me setting both UIScrollView's delegates in the storyboard, but i'm a little lost on how to basically have two different "viewForZooming" functions, for each respective ScrollView.
any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
So I ended up figuring it out myself, here's what I did!
I removed the delegates from the storyboard
self.pinchZoomScroll1.delegate = self
self.pinchZoomScroll2.delegate = self
pinchZoomScroll1.tag = 1
pinchZoomScroll2.tag = 2
func viewForZooming(in scrollView: UIScrollView) -> UIView?
if scrollView.tag == 1 {
return self.image1
else {
return self.image2
Feel free to let me know if there's a better approach, but it's working! Hope this helps someone else.