I have a string containing filename like below batch script lines:
set "file1=name.php_2017_23_08_12_22_07"
set "file2=name.vbs_2016_16_12_12_13_03"
Now as you see above, the list of filenames and their extensions is variety and I need to get the real filenames with their actual extensions (.php
, .vbs
) respectively. So when I pass in a function with filename with extension I should get actual filenames like below:
call :restoreFile %file2% ".vbs"
should give me output, removing everything after .vbs
in the variable %file2%
And so on for other variables too.
How can set a function like that, which strips a dynamic substring from filename string ?
I tried the below code, but that doesn't work with dynamic substring or text, which can be substitued from variable:
set targetfile=%file2:.vbs=&rem.%
No need to specify the extension - it's still in the name.
Use a for /f
to split at the first underscore.
Set "FileName="
For /f "tokens=1* delims=_" %%N in ("%~1") Do Set "FileName=%%N"
If defined FileName Echo Ren %1 %FileName%
Goto :Eof
You may even put the date_time in front of the extension and so avoid possible dupes:
Set "FileName="
For /f "tokens=1* delims=_" %%N in ("%~1") Do Set "FileName=%%~nN_%%M%%~xN"
If defined FileName Echo Ren %1 %FileName%
Goto :Eof
The ren commands are prepended with an echo, if the output looks OK remove the echo.