I want to update my wamp server from 2.5 to 3.0.6 because I need PHP 5.6 or above for a project. But there are a lot of databases and projects on wamp 2.5, so I want to update it instead of uninstalling older version and install wamp 3.0
What is the simple and best way to achieve it??
You can upgrade WAMPServer 2.5 directly to WAMPServer 3.0.3 and from there to the latest version which is V3.0.9 (at the time or writing this answer). This version has PHP7.0 already installed in it, and many ADDON versions of PHP available if the version that comes with WAMPServer install is not the one you want including PHP7.1.
See the backup repo for WAMPServer
Download WAMPServer 3.0.3 which allows a direct upgrade from WAMPServer 2.5
Then upgrade WAMPServer to V3.0.9.
Then ADDON whichever version of PHP / Apache / MySQL / MariaDB that you want to use.
Then backup your databases, using your existing version of MYSQL.
Then switch to which ever version of MySQL you now want to use, and restore all your databases.