I'm trying to use both a bigram and a trigram using tidytext. What code could I use for the token to look for 2 and 3 words.
This is the code for using bigrams only:
austen_bigrams <- austen_books() %>%
unnest_tokens(bigram, text, token = "ngrams", n = 2)
If you look at ?unnest_tokens
, it tells you ...
is for parameters passed to the tokenizer. For ngrams, that's tokenizers::tokenize_ngrams
, and if you look at its help page, it has an n_min
parameter, so you can do
austen_bigrams <- austen_books() %>%
head(1000) %>% # otherwise this will get very large
unnest_tokens(bigram, text, token = "ngrams", n = 3, n_min = 2)
#> # A tibble: 19,801 x 2
#> book bigram
#> <fctr> <chr>
#> 1 Sense & Sensibility sense and
#> 2 Sense & Sensibility sense and sensibility
#> 3 Sense & Sensibility and sensibility
#> 4 Sense & Sensibility and sensibility by
#> 5 Sense & Sensibility sensibility by
#> 6 Sense & Sensibility sensibility by jane
#> 7 Sense & Sensibility by jane
#> 8 Sense & Sensibility by jane austen
#> 9 Sense & Sensibility jane austen
#> 10 Sense & Sensibility jane austen 1811
#> # ... with 19,791 more rows