I have the following query that is working perfectly right now, I have been trying to optimize it since I am using the same subquery 4 times. It will be great to come up with a better/smarter solution. Thank you
Here is the query:
select SUM(invoice_payment_amount) as total
FROM invoice_payments
where invoice_payment_invoice_id = invoices.invoice_id
) as payments
select SUM(invoice_payment_amount) as total
FROM invoice_payments
where invoice_payment_invoice_id = invoices.invoice_id
)),2) as balance
from invoices
where (
round((invoices.invoice_amount -
(select SUM(invoice_payment_amount) as total
FROM invoice_payments
where invoice_payment_invoice_id = invoices.invoice_id)
) > 0
or (
round((invoices.invoice_amount -
(select SUM(invoice_payment_amount) as total
FROM invoice_payments
where invoice_payment_invoice_id = invoices.invoice_id)
order by balance
SQL Fiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/aecea/1
Just use a subquery:
select i.invoice_id, i.invoice_amount, i.payments,
round((i.invoice_amount- i.payments), 2) as balance
from (select i.*,
(select sum(ip.invoice_payment_amount)
from invoice_payments ip
where ip.invoice_payment_invoice_id = i.invoice_id
) as payments
from invoices i
) i
where round((i.invoice_amount- i.payments), 2) > 0 or
round((i.invoice_amount- i.payments), 2) is null
order by balance;
For better performance, you want an index on invoice_payments(invoice_payment_invoice_id, invoice_payment_amount)