I am tringing to copy files settings.copy from sourceDir to backupDir but getting error
Dim sourceDir As String = "c:\in\settings.copy"
Dim backupDir As String = "c:\out\"
File.Copy(sourceDir, backupDir)
while executing above script getting below error
System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: 'Could not find a part of the path 'c:\out\'.'
I already created c:\out\ folder
Dim userprofile As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile)
Dim SystemDir As String = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SystemDrive")
Dim sourceDir As String = "y\inbound\settings.exe"
Dim backupDir As String = "AppData\Local\user\default_user\"
Dim root As String = Path.GetPathRoot(userprofile)
Dim useDrpath As String = Path.Combine(userprofile, backupDir)
Dim SysDrpath As String = Path.Combine(SystemDir, root, sourceDir)
Dim file = New FileInfo("settings.cps")
file.CopyTo(Path.Combine(SysDrpath, useDrpath, file.Name), True)
My gole is to copy file from system installed driver to user profile driver
with above code i am able to copy file
c:\y\inbound\settings.exe C:\Users\pavan\AppData\Local\user\default_user\
please suggested any other better way to do above