Search code examples

why the list using codeigniter don't show all records?

public function ajax_disposisi() {
    $list = $this->jadwal->get_datatables('v_disposisi_jadwal');

    $data = array();
    $no = isset($_POST['start'])?$_POST['start']:0;


this code is controller. v_disposisi_jadwal >> view database. when I debug the list using 'print_r($list);', but the record don't show all. please give me some advices.. thanks

class Jadwal_model extends MY_Model {

var $column_order = array(null, 'nomor','awal','akhir','ao','ro','workflow');
var $column_search = array('nomor','awal','workflow');

public function __construct()
public function get_detail($id, $suffix='')
    return $query->result();



  • I've already found the problem solving. I've found function get_datatables function >> application/core/MY_Model.php then I see the format how to use get_datatables. it should be this..

    $list = $this->jadwal->get_datatables('v_disposisi_jadwal', '', 'status_id IN(1,2,11)');