I'm using LINQ to SQLto import old DBF files into MSSQL.
I'm reading all rows and adding them to database using ctx.MyTable.InsertOnSubmit(row)
After reading phase is completed I have around 100 000 pending inserts.
naturally is taking a long time.
Is there any way to track progress of the ctx.submitchanges()
Can ctx.Log
somehow be used for this purpose?
Update: Is it possible to use ctx.GetChangeSet().Inserts.Count
and track insert statements using the Log?
Dividing ctx.SubmitChanges()
into smaller chunks is not working for me, because I need transaction, all or nothing.
Update 2: I've found nice class ActionTextWriter using which I will try to count inserts.
Update 3:
I've build first code prototype, it's not optimized. It seems to be working :)
ctx.Log = new ActionTextWriter(s => {
counter += s.Split(' ').Count(w => w.ToUpper() == "INSERT");
I've managed to get progress informations by parsing log and using ActionTextWriter
ctx.Log = new ActionTextWriter(s => {
if (s.StartsWith("INSERT INTO"))