I have some files in file manager in Swift 3. I want to upload them, but when I will convert them into base 64, their size will be huge! so I want to compress the data before converting it into base 64.
Here is my code for converting:
for i in 0...(rows?.count)! - 1 {
let filePath = filesurl[fileManagerViewController.selectedFileIndex[i]]
do {
let fileData = try Data.init(contentsOf: filePath)
let fileStream:String = fileData.base64EncodedString(options: NSData.Base64EncodingOptions.init(rawValue: 0))
} catch {
I used
let compressedData = fileData(UF_COMPRESSED)
But that didn't work for me, so please help me compressing files before converting them into base 64 for uploading.
Here's libcompression
wrapper written in Swift 3.
Swift libcompression wrapper as an extension for the Data type (ZLIB, LZFSE, LZMA, LZ4, deflate, RFC-1950, RFC-1951)
So you can compress your data like that:
let fileData = try Data.init(contentsOf: filePath)
let compressedData = fileData.compress(withAlgorithm: .LZFSE)