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Asynchronous call of mySql on Node.JS

So, I'm trying to make the getConnection and querying asynchronously in my node.js project as I want to render my response only after my query. This is the code,'/', function(req, res, next) {

  var queryRows;

  con.getConnection(function(error, connection) {
    if(error) {
    } else {
      connection.query('SELECT * FROM Tablee', function(error, rows, fields){
        queryRows = rows;

  res.render('home', {data:queryRows});

I want to run the getConnection() and code inside first; and then render.

I followed the exact solution given in this Question, But in vain. the connection itself is undefined; so query returns error.

I'm using Node version 8 to support async and await; But I'm not able to get the result.


  • mysql doesn't support promises, which are a requirement of being able to use async/await.

    Instead of wrapping it using util.promisify or something similar, you could consider migrating your code to mysql2, which supports promises out of the box:

    Since mysql2 tries to offer the same API as mysql, code changes should be minimal.

    EDIT: some (untested) example code:

    // Install an Express middleware that will set up the database connection, if required.
    // Call this somewhere "high up" in your Express app, before route declarations.
    app.use(async (req, res, next) => {
      if (! app.db) {
        const mysql = require('mysql2/promise');
        app.db = await mysql.createConnection({ ... });
        // instead of .createConnection, you can also use .createPool
      req.db = app.db;
      return next();

    Then in your route:'/', async function(req, res) {
      let [ queryRows, queryFields ] = await req.db.query('SELECT * FROM Tablee');
      res.render('home', { data : queryRows });

    (I left out all error handling for brevity, make sure you add it, though)