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How can I concatenate multiple histograms in a for loop into 1 histogram using matlab

I am new to MATLAB. I have calculated 25 histograms using imhist function, which are created from subdividing the image into 25 blocks (1block=1histogram) using for loop. How can I concatenate these histograms on the same graph to make one histogram where for instance, the histogram for the first block stretches on the x axis from 0 to 255, the histogram for the second block stretches from 256 to 511, and so on until the 25th block. How can I do this?

I had found a solution like this How to concatenate 3 histograms on the same graph in Matlab but my problem is I calculated all 25 histograms using for loop and I don't know what variable should I pass so that I can concatenate all histograms in 1 long histogram as I want it to be. I also found the similar example but it is in python Concatenate multiple histograms in matplotlib

This is what I had done:

%declare variable
B=12; %B represent the block size
overlapp=3; %overlapping block is slid by 3 pixels along the image 
nob=0; %no of blocks

%get input from grayscale image
gray_path = 'D:\gray_image_folder\*.png';

for noOfGRAYimage = 1:length(total_gray_images)
% Specify images names with full path and extension    
    grayfilename=strcat('D:\gray_image_folder\', total_gray_images(noOfGRAYimage).name);
    grayImage = imread(grayfilename);% Read gray images 
    [r, c, p]=size(grayImage);
      for i=1:overlapp:(r-B)+1; 
  %         fprintf('i = %d\n', i);
  %         numberofblock = sprintf('%s_%d','block',nob)
          for j=1:overlapp:(c-B)+1;
  %             fprintf('j = %d\n', j);
              fy_mad(nob).block=grayImage(i:i+B-1,j:j+B-1); %partition (12x12) of blocks
              fy_mad(nob).position=[i j]; 
              [rb, cb]=size(fy_mad(nob).block); %[12,12]
              localBinaryPatternImage = fy_mad(nob).block;
              %call function LBP
              LBP_centre = LBP (localBinaryPatternImage);
              figure;imhist(uint8(LBP_centre)) %histogram for each block

             % How to concatenate all histograms?


I tried this according to @crazyGamer

%get input from grayscale image
gray_path = 'D:\gray_image_folder\*.png';

allCounts = []
allBinLocs = []

for noOfGRAYimage = 1:length(total_gray_images)
% Specify images names with full path and extension    
    grayfilename=strcat('D:\gray_image_folder\', total_gray_images(noOfGRAYimage).name, total_gray_images(noOfGRAYimage).name);
    grayImage = imread(grayfilename);% Read gray images 
    [r, c, p]=size(grayImage);

    for i=1:overlapp:(r-B)+1; 
        for j=1:overlapp:(c-B)+1;
            fy_mad(nob).position=[i j]; 
            fy_mad(nob).index=nob; %number of blocks 

            [rb, cb]=size(fy_mad(nob).block); 
            localBinaryPatternImage = fy_mad(nob).block;

            %call function LBP
            LBP_centre = LBP (localBinaryPatternImage);

           % Let's compute and display the concatenation of all histogram.
            [counts, binLocs] = imhist(uint8(LBP_centre), 256);
            allCounts = [allCounts, counts];
            allBinLocs = [allBinLocs, binLocs + length(allBinLocs)]
            % "+ length(allBinLocs)" is to shift range from 256-511, and so on for each block.


stem(allBinLocs, allCounts);

Here is the result: Concatenate histogram


  • Use the return values of imhist to store the bin locations and values, instead of directly plotting them in the loop.

    Then, you can concatenate them all in a big array and display the histogram.

    allCounts = []
    allBinLocs = []
    for noOfGRAYimage = 1:length(total_gray_images)
        % ...
        for i=1:overlapp:(r-B)+1; 
            % ...          
            for j=1:overlapp:(c-B)+1;
                % ...
                [counts, binLocs] = imhist(uint8(LBP_centre), 256);
                allCounts = [allCounts; counts(:)];
                allBinLocs = [allBinLocs; binLocs(:) + length(allBinLocs)];
                % "+ length(allBinLocs)" is to shift range from 256-511, and so on for each block.
    stem(allBinLocs, allCounts);