I am trying to login with my credentials to a .NET site but unable to get it working. My code is inspired from the below thread
How to login and then download a file from aspx web pages with R
curl = getCurlHandle()
curlSetOpt(cookiejar = 'cookies.txt', followlocation = TRUE, autoreferer = TRUE, curl = curl)
html <- getURL('http://www.aceanalyser.com/Login.aspx', curl = curl)
viewstate <- as.character(sub('.*id="__VIEWSTATE" value="([0-9a-zA-Z+/=]*).*', '\\1', html))
viewstategenerator <- as.character(sub('.*id="__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR" value="([0-9a-zA-Z+/=]*).*', '\\1', html))
params <- list(
'txtUserID' = '********',
'txtPwd' = '*******',
'Btn_Login' = 'GO',
'__VIEWSTATE' = viewstate,
'__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR' = viewstategenerator,
'HiddenField1' = '1280',
'HiddenField2' = '700',
'Hdn_Pwd' = 'true')
html = postForm('http://www.aceanalyser.com/Login.aspx', .params = params, curl = curl)
grepl('Logout', html)
Result: FALSE
Please help me understand the issue
You may change the option
'Btn_Login' = 'GO'
something like
'Btn_Login.x' = '22',
'Btn_Login.y' = '14'
According to this, the reason is a bug.
Some browsers (IIRC it is just some versions of Internet Explorer) only send the co-ordinates of the image map (in name.x and name.y) and ignore the value.