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Rails FormHelper each radio and label

I'm working with rails 5.1.2 and ruby 2.2.6. I'm trying to write an each loop on a collection and generate a rabio button and a corresponding label for it in my erb view. So far, I came to this unsatisfying result:

<% @idea.discussions.each do |discussion| %>
  <%= radio_button_tag :discussion, %>
  <%= label_tag "discussion_" +, discussion.title %>
<% end %>

This generates the following HTML for one element of the collection:

<input name="discussion" id="discussion_3" value="3" type="radio">
<label for="discussion_3">Main discussion</label>

What is unsatisfying for me is the first argment of the label_tag, as I build manually the value of the for attribute of the label tag. What is the rails way to do?


  • Also you can try that:

    <% @idea.discussions.each do |discussion| %>
      <label for="discussion-<%=>">
        <span><%= discussion.title %></span>
        <%= radio_button_tag "discussions[discussion_id]",, false, { id: "discussion-#{}"} %>
    <% end %>