I'm trying to build some query to export data in XML and I build this query:
from InvoicesHeader [invoice]
join InvoicesRows [rows] on [rows].invoiceID=[invoice].invoiceID
join Payments [payments] on [payments].paymentID=[invoice].paymentID
join Items [items] on [items].itemID=[rows].itemID
FOR XML Auto, ROOT ('invoices'), ELEMENTS
and I got something like this as result
while I would like to have something like this where
[rows] is childnode of invoice and not of payments
seen some solution where there are many
put all together, but the data here comes from connected table, would be a pity to re-query 2-3 times same values
how can achieve it?
well, found that have to use FOR XML PATH
instead and add the other table as subquery with each FOR XML PATH
as follows:
(select r.* from InvoiceRows r where r.invoiceID=i.invoiceID for XML PATH ('rows'), type)
from InvoicesHeader i
join payment p on i.paymentID=p.paymentID
FOR XML PATH('invoice'), ROOT ('invoices'), ELEMENTS