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In PowerShell, how do I determine if a domain-joined computer is connected to the domain network?

Before querying Active Directory, I need to make sure that the computer is actually attached to the corporate network (i.e., a domain network) with a secure connection to a domain controller. Network Location Awareness does this behind the scenes and presents the network profile in the GUI.

How do I do this in PowerShell?


  • This appears to work well, and should work on all versions of PowerShell:

    function Test-DomainNetworkConnection
        # Returns $true if the computer is attached to a network where it has a secure connection
        # to a domain controller
        # Returns $false otherwise
        # Get operating system  major and minor version
        $strOSVersion = (Get-WmiObject -Query "Select Version from Win32_OperatingSystem").Version
        $arrStrOSVersion = $strOSVersion.Split(".")
        $intOSMajorVersion = [UInt16]$arrStrOSVersion[0]
        if ($arrStrOSVersion.Length -ge 2)
            $intOSMinorVersion = [UInt16]$arrStrOSVersion[1]
        } `
            $intOSMinorVersion = [UInt16]0
        # Determine if attached to domain network
        if (($intOSMajorVersion -gt 6) -or (($intOSMajorVersion -eq 6) -and ($intOSMinorVersion -gt 1)))
            # Windows 8 / Windows Server 2012 or Newer
            # First, get all Network Connection Profiles, and filter it down to only those that are domain networks
            $domainNetworks = Get-NetConnectionProfile | Where-Object {$_.NetworkCategory -eq "Domain"}
        } `
            # Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, or Windows Server 2008 R2
            # (Untested on Windows XP / Windows Server 2003)
            # Get-NetConnectionProfile is not available; need to access the Network List Manager COM object
            # So, we use the Network List Manager COM object to get a list of all network connections
            # Then we get the category of each network connection
            # Categories: 0 = Public; 1 = Private; 2 = Domain; see:
            $domainNetworks = ([Activator]::CreateInstance([Type]::GetTypeFromCLSID([Guid]"{DCB00C01-570F-4A9B-8D69-199FDBA5723B}"))).GetNetworkConnections() | `
                ForEach-Object {$_.GetNetwork().GetCategory()} | Where-Object {$_ -eq 2}
        return ($domainNetworks -ne $null)

    With this function defined, simply type:


    If it returns $true, then you know you have connectivity to a domain controller.