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impressionist view count not working

i have a rails app where i am using impressionist gem to count the vieew made on the show page of my post model. But it's not updating the views,(the views shows 0)

in my gem file i added:

gem 'impressionist'


rails g impressionist


rake db:migrate

i added this to my post.rb file:


post controller

impressionist actions: [:show], unique: [:session_hash]

in my show view file:

<%= "#{@post.impressionist_count} views so far!" %>

I think i have did everything right, but don't know why the view count is not working.


  • Instead of calling this on top of the controller for a single action you can try:

    impressionist(@post, "optional message", :unique => [:session_hash])

    Then try


    Or you can also try
