At first I thought this is a bug, but looking at the source code it's clearly intentional. Does anybody know why this is being done? It's inconsistent with Clojure and a subtle source for bugs.
(hash 1) ; => 1
(hash 1.5) ; => 1
(defn hash
"Returns the hash code of its argument. Note this is the hash code
consistent with =."
(implements? IHash o)
(bit-xor (-hash ^not-native o) 0)
(number? o)
(if (js/isFinite o)
(js-mod (Math/floor o) 2147483647)
(case o
JavaScript has only one number type: 64-bit float between -(2^53)-1 and (2^53)-1. However, bitwise operations work on 32-bit signed integers. So, a lossy conversion is needed, when a float is converted to a hash that works with bitwise operators. The magic number 2147483647
for the modulo operation in core.cljs/hash
is the maximum integer representable through a 32bit signed number. Note that there is also special handling for values Infinity
and -Infinity