I need to install TensorFlow on macOS-Sierra and I want to use virtualenvwrapper for that. To install TensorFlow one could follow the virtualenv installation walk-through provided by TensorFlow website. However, I want to do that with virtualenvwrapper that can be installed like so.
Could someone who has experience with this guide me through?
First I would install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper:
$pip install virtualenv
$pip install virtualenvwrapper
Then I would create a directory for my virtualenvs.
$mkdir ~/.virtualenvs
Then I would update my .bashrc file:
#put these lines in your .bashrc file
export WORKON_HOME=~/.virtualenvs
source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh
Then source .bashrc:
$source .bashrc
Then create my virtual environment:
$mkvirtualenv my-virtual-environment --system-site-packages target-directory
To activate the virtual environment and install tensorflow:
$workon my-virtual-environment
(my-virtual-environment)$pip install --upgrade tensorflow
I hope this helps. It's been a while since I've been a regular OSX user. If this doesn't work for you, keep this updated and I might be able to help more.