Is it possible to compose for example:
(defn- multiple-of-three? [n] (zero? (mod n 3))
(defn- multiple-of-five? [n] (zero? (mod n 5))
so I can use it for filtering:
(defn sum-of-multiples [n]
(->> (range 1 n)
(filter multiple-of-three-or-five?)
(reduce +)))
Also I don't want to define it like this:
(defn- multiple-of-three-or-five? [n]
(or (multiple-of-three? n)
(multiple-of-five? n)))
For example with Javascript module Ramda it would be achieved as:
const multipleOfThreeOrFive = R.either(multipleOfThree, multipleOfFive)
Sure, in Clojure this is some-fn
(def multiple-of-three-or-five?
(some-fn multiple-of-three? multiple-of-five?))
(multiple-of-three-or-five? 3) ; => true
(multiple-of-three-or-five? 4) ; => false
(multiple-of-three-or-five? 5) ; => true