Search code examples

Can I update an HDFStore?

Consider the following hdfstore and dataframes df and df2

import pandas as pd

store = pd.HDFStore('test.h5')

midx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([range(2), list('XYZ')], names=list('AB'))
df = pd.DataFrame(dict(C=range(6)), midx)


A B   
0 X  0
  Y  1
  Z  2
1 X  3
  Y  4
  Z  5

midx2 = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([range(2), list('VWX')], names=list('AB'))
df2 = pd.DataFrame(dict(C=range(6)), midx2)


A B   
0 V  0
  W  1
  X  2
1 V  3
  W  4
  X  5

I want to first write df to the store.

store.append('df', df)


A B   
0 X  0
  Y  1
  Z  2
1 X  3
  Y  4
  Z  5

At a later point in time I will have another dataframe that I want to update the store with. I want to overwrite the rows with the same index values as are in my new dataframe while keeping the old ones.

When I do

store.append('df', df2)


A B   
0 X  0
  Y  1
  Z  2
1 X  3
  Y  4
  Z  5
0 V  0
  W  1
  X  2
1 V  3
  W  4
  X  5

This isn't at all what I want. Notice that (0, 'X') and (1, 'X') are repeated. I can manipulate the combined dataframe and overwrite, but I expect to be working with a lot data where this wouldn't be feasible.

How do I update the store to get?

A B   
0 V  0
  W  1
  X  2
  Y  1
  Z  2
1 V  3
  W  4
  X  5
  Y  4
  Z  5

You'll see that For each level of 'A', 'Y' and 'Z' are the same, 'V' and 'W' are new, and 'X' is updated.

What is the correct way to do this?


  • Idea: remove matching rows (with matching index values) from the HDF first and then append df2 to HDFStore.

    Problem: I couldn't find a way to use where="index in df2.index" for multi-index indexes.

    Solution: first convert multiindexes to normal ones:

    df.index = df.index.get_level_values(0).astype(str) + '_' + df.index.get_level_values(1).astype(str)
    df2.index = df2.index.get_level_values(0).astype(str) + '_' + df2.index.get_level_values(1).astype(str)

    this yields:

    In [348]: df
    0_X  0
    0_Y  1
    0_Z  2
    1_X  3
    1_Y  4
    1_Z  5
    In [349]: df2
    0_V  0
    0_W  1
    0_X  2
    1_V  3
    1_W  4
    1_X  5

    make sure that you use format='t' and data_columns=True (this will index save index and index all columns in the HDF5 file, allowing us to use them in the where clause) when you create/append HDF5 files:

    store = pd.HDFStore('d:/temp/test1.h5')
    store.append('df', df, format='t', data_columns=True)

    now we can first remove those rows from the HDFStore with matching indexes:

    store = pd.HDFStore('d:/temp/test1.h5')
    In [345]: store.remove('df', where="index in df2.index")
    Out[345]: 2

    and append df2:

    In [346]: store.append('df', df2, format='t', data_columns=True, append=True)


    In [347]: store.get('df')
    0_Y  1
    0_Z  2
    1_Y  4
    1_Z  5
    0_V  0
    0_W  1
    0_X  2
    1_V  3
    1_W  4
    1_X  5