I try to follow the MVP design pattern using RxJava2. I'm new with it. As I'm requesting data from an API, in my Presenter I call my Model like that:
.subscribe(data -> {
// Do something with the data
}, throwable -> {
// A wild error appears!
// TODO: Display a dialog
When there is an error, I want to display a dialog with a message to the user.
So what I was thinking is to create a displayErrorDialog(String message)
on the View. But the problem is: I call the API a bit everywhere in the app, so it means that ALL my views will have to implement the method!
The dialog needs to be displayed by the View:
I'm looking for a better solution to not have to implement the same method each time I have a new view.
You could have a BaseView
that implements displayErrorDialog(String message)
and then all of your views would extend from BaseView
If you are using interfaces
you could do the same using a BaseInterface
and then you would be able to call your base view methods from any presenter.
I hope this helps!