I am trying to install Vpython as per instructions on their documentation website but am receiving this error.
I have anaconda3 running on a 64-bit computer.
Any tips?
It looks like you are trying to install "classic vpython" and not the newer vpython. Is this what you are intending to do?
The latest version of VPython is vpython 7 and instructions for installing it are found at http://vpython.org/ .
You can install the new vpython with either conda or pip.
Using conda you intall vpython 7 with the following command.
conda install -c vpython vpython
Using pip you can install vpython 7 with this command.
pip install vpython
The "classic vpython" is no longer supported and is not undergoing any further development. The new VPython 7 is what is currently supported. There are some changes between "classic vpython" and the new vpython. See the documentation for the code syntax for VPython 7 and here is a description of the evolution of vpython.