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row/column-wise outer product in arrayfire-python

How to implement row/column-wise outer product in arrayfire-python?

Here is analogical implementation in numpy.

A = np.random.randint(1,7, size=(3,2))
B = np.random.randint(1,7, size=(2,3))
X = np.einsum('ik,kj->kij', A,B)
array([[[ 8, 16, 12],
        [ 8, 16, 12],
        [ 4,  8,  6]],

       [[15,  3, 12],
        [ 5,  1,  4],
        [ 5,  1,  4]]])

P.S. I'm looking for slight speed up for implementation of Mini-batch Gradient Descent, and I've found this library.


  • This isn't available in arrayfire as a native function. You can however implement something using broadcast and moddims like this:

    >>> @af.broadcast
    ... def outer(a, b):
    ...     am = af.moddims(a, a.shape[0], 1, a.shape[1])
    ...     bm = af.moddims(b.T, 1, b.shape[1], b.shape[0])
    ...     cm = am * bm
    ...     return cm
    >>> a
    Type: float
    [3 2 1 1]
        0.6874     0.3552 
        0.9058     0.1589 
        0.5023     0.8857 
    >>> b
    Type: float
    [2 3 1 1]
        0.2060     0.9028     0.7167 
        0.4522     0.0121     0.2723 
    >>> print(outer(a, b))
    Type: float
    [3 3 2 1]
        0.1416     0.6206     0.4927 
        0.1866     0.8178     0.6492 
        0.1035     0.4535     0.3600 
        0.1606     0.0043     0.0967 
        0.0719     0.0019     0.0433 
        0.4006     0.0107     0.2412 

    If you have any particular feature requests, follow up on github: