Suppose I have, say, 3 identically distributed random vectors: w
, v
and x
generally with different lengths. w
is length 2, v
is length 3 and x
is length 4.
How should I define the full covariance matrix sigma
of these vectors for tf.contrib.distributions.MultivariateNormalFullCovariance(mean, sigma)
I think about full covariance in this case as [(2 + 3 + 4) x (2 + 3 + 4)] square matrix (tensor rank 2), where diagonal elements are standard deviations and non-diagonal are cross-covariances between each other component of each other vector. How can I switch my mind to the terms of multidimensional covariance? What is it?
Or should I build full covariance matrix by concatenating it from pieces (e.g. particular covariances and, for instance, assuming independence of these vectors I should build partitioned block diagonal matrix) and cut (split) results of sampling into particular vectors I want to get? (I did that with R.) Or is there an easier way?
What I want is full control over all random vectors including their covariances and cross-covariances.
There is no special consideration about the dimensionality just because your random variables are distributed across multiple vectors. From a probabilistic point of view, three normally-distributed vectors of sizes 2, 3 and 4, a normally-distributed vector of size 9 and and a normally-distributed matrix of size 3x3 are all the same: a 9-dimensional normal distribution. Of course, you could have three distributions of 2, 3 and 4 dimensions, but that's a different thing, it doesn't allow you to model correlations among variables of different vectors (just like having a one-dimensional normal distribution per number does not allow you to model any correlation at all); this may or may not be enough for your use case.
If you want to use a single distribution, you just need to establish a bijection between the domain of your problem (e.g. tuples of three vectors of sizes 2, 3 and 4) and the domain of the distribution (e.g. 9-dimensional vectors). In this case is pretty obvious, just flatten (if necessary) and concatenate the vectors to obtain a distribution sample and split a sample three parts of size 2, 3 and 4 to obtain the vectors.