I am using the following cast receiver
When I connect my android sender to chromecast device, it show a black screen and never plays video.
I'm setting licenseUrl for widevine in receiver as follow:
sampleplayer.CastPlayer.prototype.preloadVideo_ = function(mediaInformation) {
var self = this;
var url = mediaInformation.contentId;
var protocolFunc = sampleplayer.getProtocolFunction_(mediaInformation);
if (!protocolFunc) {
this.log_('No protocol found for preload');
return false;
var host = new cast.player.api.Host({
'url': url,
'mediaElement': self.mediaElement_
host.onError = function() {
self.preloadPlayer_ = null;
self.displayPreviewMode_ = false;
self.log_('Error during preload');
host.licenseUrl = event.data.customData.licenseUrl;
self.preloadPlayer_ = new cast.player.api.Player(host);
return true;
host.licenseUrl = event.data.customData.licenseUrl;
I've hosted it on a https server which is registered on developers console.
I'm passing custom data as licenseUrl in a json object.
The code of my android sender setting media info is below.
private MediaInfo buildMediaInfo() {
MediaMetadata movieMetadata = new MediaMetadata(MediaMetadata.MEDIA_TYPE_MOVIE);
movieMetadata.putString(MediaMetadata.KEY_SUBTITLE, "Subtitle");
movieMetadata.putString(MediaMetadata.KEY_TITLE, "Title");
jsonObj = new JSONObject();
}catch (JSONException e){
Log.e(null,"Failed to add description to the json object", e);
return new MediaInfo.Builder("https://pathOfMystream.mpd")
What changes are further required ?
Do I need to edit receiver? If yes, then what edits are needed?
Is the string name in customData "licenseUrl" needs to be
Please help! I'm stuck here for more than a week.
Thank you.
I figured out that event.data.customData
was undefined while connecting from android sender application.
So I used event.data.media.customData
And accessed the key as follow:
if(event.data.media.customData['licenseUrl'] !== null){
console.log('setting license URL from mobile');
host.licenseUrl = event.data.media.customData.licenseUrl;